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The Light Project

is now live

What is Stairway?

The Stairway Foundation is a non-profit, non-stock, non-government organization located in Puerto Galera in the Philippines. Founded in 1990, the program advocates for Children’s Rights in the Philippines through various forms of direct and indirect action. Stairway rescues sexually abused boys from the streets of Manila and brings to the Stairway Foundation, where they are given the gifts of food, education, and psychological and physical rehabilitation. The foundation houses around 13 boys from ages 12-18 and continues to adopt more boys as the others move on to get a job, family, and a life they would never have had without the Stairway Foundation’s unconditional support.

What is Stairway?

What is the stairway Trip?

Stairway Trip

The Yearly Stairway Service trip travels to Puerto Galera, Philippines to visit the Stairway Foundation and meet the resident boys. Over the course of a week, the SAS students and the Stairway boys truly become a family. They bond over athletic games, arts and crafts, and delicious local food. Students will also understand the harsh realities that street children in the Philippines face every day, but also see firsthand the love and nurturing that Stairway provides as they watch the ex-street children go on to have successful careers and have families of their own. The boys at Stairway have heartbreaking pasts, but today they pride themselves in their infectious smiles, down-to-earth attitudes, and love for one another, and we consider ourselves so lucky to be able to take part in this trip.

Club Committees

This year our service club has decided to implement a committee system to maintain organization and accommodate for club growth in recent years and to promote sustainability for the years to come. The committees allow us to divide and conquer, tackling several large projects simultaneously.

Club Committees

The Light Project

The Stairway Foundation emphasizes childcare services not only for the boys who stay on the foundation, but for the children all across the Philippines who they support. Stairway supports its local community in Puerto Galera through beach cleanups, scholar sponsorships, donations, and even local farms. Stairway’s latest goal has been to provide lights to the 200+ local students so that they may study and complete housework past sundown. The Light Project Committee's goal is to successfully organize a fundraising gala to raise funds to support Stairway’s initiatives. Throughout the year members of the committee have learned the intricacies of behind-the-scenes planning for such large event. They have poured hours of their time into this project in hopes to raise awareness and funds for these deserving children in the Philippines. The Light Project will be held on  March 10th, 2018 at the Hilton Hotel in Orchard. Purchase your tickets here!


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